actually a lot of people are thinking that it's impossible to lose fat and and build muscle at the same time, "well" they are totally wrong, here is how to do that...

here are some examples :

Building muscle while losing fat, it's also called the body recomposition.

Some people say it's impossible to accomplish and some others say that it's only possible with training protocols & advanced nutrition plan.

 The truth is both of them are wrong !!!

It's can accomplished by a few simple tricks, and the only thing you need to do is make the process correct as much as you could, doing it only requires a few things and nothing fancy

So in the below video,you will know to how to do that easily and help you to understand the the hole process of building muscle and lose those layers of fat  .

So first let's started with the body recomposition.

Can you guess why building muscle and losing fit is tricky?

There’s a reason why that many people are really believe in the old lifting stuff that you can not gain muscle while losing fat, and should deal with getting fat first if you want to build some serious muscles.

Building muscle and burning fat simultaneously, it’s doesn’t come with easily. It requires to do some thing correctly, with your diet and working out.

Now, let’s apply that knowledge to the issue at your mind, by watching the below video you'll increase your knowledge about to tha so... enjoy!!

   And now let's to move on to the interesting part, the strict diet! There are two parts of the diet, the 1st part is : the high calorie/high carb portion & 2nd one is : the low calorie low/carbohydrate portion


The perfect time - on weight training session only.
Caloric intake - The same amount as you would take in during a normal low calorie day but these calories are to be consumed in a time span of 6-8 hours. ( 10-12 x bw or 1600-1900 calories for a 160-pound individual)

Macronutrient ratio - 20 percent protein 5 percent  fat and 75 percent carbohydrate


The time (duration)- The whole day on weight training off days and half day on weight training days.
Caloric intake - 10- to 12 x bodyweight
Macronutrient ratio - 50 percent protein percent fat and percent carbohydrate


The right time is at the 
Macronutrient ratio / 50 percent protein 30 percent fat and 20 percent carbohydrate
Caloric intake / 15 x bodyweight.


# (Sat) - Do some Cardio done anytime maintenance calories
# (Sun) - no training | maintenance calories
# (mon) - morning : cardio | afternoon/evening - weight training
# (Tue)   - Do some cardio performed anytime
# (Wed)- morning : cardio | afternoon/evening - weight training
# (Thur) - Do some cardio.
# (Fri) - The same as wednesday.

Have you EVER been able to lose fat & build some muscle? If this article/video helped with some info, please let us know in the comments below!
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