Colin Wayne is a fitness model, Father & soldier.

Quick stats about colin : 

Age - 23 
Location - Alabama 
Height - 6'2 
Weight - 215 lbs

when & How did you get started lifting ?

   Before I went to Iraq, my friend told me to find a hobby to keep you busy overseas. So I picked up bodybuilding and i haven't stopped since that time, and that was in 2009.

How do you keep being motivated ?

   I was always small framed growing up, I joined the military 2006 and was 145 lbs soaking wet.

    Ever since I deployed to Iraq and seeing bigger guys in the gym, I told my self I can be that man.
    Now I'm an NPC Physique competitor, striving for my IFBB pro card. It's motivating to see your body constantly getting better.

what mistakes did you make as a newbie ?

   I didn't concentrate on muscle groups, and did full body workouts several times a week.

What is your workout routine like?

  I swap it up between low reps / less weight and high reps / high weight.

we know consistency is key, what tips would you give to anyone struggling to stay consistent ?

   It takes a while for you & your friends to see some results, being consistent with your diet & workout is vital to maximizing your results.

what kind of music that you like ?

   Actually I listen to a variety of different types : rock & rock but I LOVE the Rob Bailey Battle.

how far ahead do you plan and prepare ahead your nutrition & training if at all ? 

   I plan and prep meals consistently every single week. I hired a Nutritionist "Nate Hoppe and Jackie Hoppe IFBB Pro" to help me throughout contest prep and photoshoots. A typical meal for me is 8 oz of chicken 1/2 cup of asparagus and 1/3 cup of  High Fats, almonds, High proteins, no carbs.

do you bulk and cut or stay lean year round? 

  I stay lean year around, because I have to be ready for
competitions & photo shoots.

what is your diet whenever you trying to get in peak condition ?

For maintaing being lean this is my current diet plan.

   # Meal 1 : 6 omega 3 eggs with 5 egg whites

   # Meal 2 : Post workout… 50g of whey isolate protein with

   # Meal 3-6 : 8 oz of Chicken, 1/3 cup of almonds, 1/2 cup of asparagus

   # Meal 7- 8 : oz of Steak or salmon, 1/2 tsp of olive oil straight shot, 1/3 cup of almonds or 2 tbls of natural peanut butter, 1/2 cup of asparagus

If you had to pick only 3 exercises, which exercises would you pick & why ?

# Squats : targets hamstrings, glutes, and quads

# Bench Press : targets chest and tris

# Dead-lifts : targets back and some hamstrings

  All these three exercises will also raise your natural testosterone!

What supplements do you use if any ?

   Dymatize ISO 100, BSN Amino X, Multi vitamin, Fish oil pills daily, and Vitaminz, and the Alpha Male Stack my Shredz (Shredz fat burner, Diezel (testosterone) Creazine.

what is your Favorite Quote?

"Train Insane, or Stay The Same"

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