Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the best old school bodybuilders in the world, perhaps we could say "the best bodybuilder ever in history" he is the most famous bodybuilder of all time, no one can compare his chest with arnold chest. there is no doubt that arnold was the best and still the best bodybuilder with his massive form, shredded & optimum , so that's why we bring you the arnold Schwarzenegger chest workout routine with how he built it with a classic workout routine from back in the day.  

 # So what did arnold said about his favorite chest workout.

    ``As along as i like start my chest workout with barbell bench presses. i used to use the pyramid principle. staring from lighter & going to heavy weight, then do barbell presses on an incline to train the upper part of chest, i used to do it for 10 to 15 reps. After that i do dumbbell flyes on a flat bench and then hit the inner part. And finally I was doing my routine with dips at the end, and I had lean into these a lot. This is stretching out my pecs and get a lot of blood in the chest muscles. beside that when i was doing Dips i always focus more on my lower chest.``

# arnold Schwarzenegger old school high volume chest workout routine

1) Bench Press : over 5 sets of 8 – 12 reps.
2) Incline Barbell : Press 10-12 reps of 5 sets.
3) Dumbbell Flyes : 5 sets of 10-12 reps.
4) Parallel Bar Dips : Five sets of 10-12 reps.
5) Dumbbell Pullovers : Arnold would do 5 sets of 12-12 reps.
6) Cable Crossovers : 5 sets of 15 reps

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